
This Week (29/3/20)

This week we have 3 things for you:
1. StillgotaPULSE – a weekly podcast. For everyone…but ROCK kids, there’s a special visitor that you won’t want to miss. Our visitor sets you a challenge so listen out and let us know if you are going to accept the challenge.
2. ROCK Online –  A video clip, because we miss it, and we thought you might too! Parents, note that there’s some teaching content from about 6 minutes in, so stick it out 🙂
    Afterwards, here’s some questions for you to discuss together:
  • What happened in this story?

  • Who are the people in this story? How do they react to the empty tomb?

  • From the skit… Skeptical Steve identified 3 reasons that Jesus rising from the dead was so important to us, what were they?

  • In these uncertain and changing times, how does our knowledge that Jesus has risen encourage, comfort and assure us?

3. Something you might like to PRINT AND COLOUR-IN pdf. Perhaps as you listen to the podcast!!

Please get in touch if there are questions you have, or if there is something specific that we might be able to do for you or pray for you.
We would love to hear from you!!
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8
Steve, Lauren and the team.